Auto Fill Input Fields for Unique Page Sidebars

When you are developing a website with WordPress and support for Unique Page Sidebars WordPress Plugins then you may noticed when add a sidebar all the widget parameters inputs are empty. Something like the below image Here with this code example you can auto fill the widget parameters. Step 1: include a javascript for WordPress adminContinue reading “Auto Fill Input Fields for Unique Page Sidebars”

Removing WordPress menu div tag and keeping ul [Code Snippet]

When you are working with WordPress menu then sometimes you may noticed if no menu is defined it is putting a div wrapper just above the url tag. Here is how you can remove that div and keep ul as it as. wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ”, //Just keep this as empty ‘container’ => ”,Continue reading “Removing WordPress menu div tag and keeping ul [Code Snippet]”

Finding all parent pages in WodPress [Code Snippet]

Sometimes we needs to find all parent pages of current page in WordPress. It is useful to create a breadcrumb. Here is a example code snippet to find all parent pages. <ul class=”page-breadcrumbs”> <li><a href=”<?php echo home_url(); ?>”><?php _e( ‘Home’, ‘mondira’ ) ?></a></li> <?php global $post; $parent_id = $post->post_parent; $breadcrumbs = array(); while ( $parent_idContinue reading “Finding all parent pages in WodPress [Code Snippet]”

WordPress sidebars fetching on other cms with wordpress xml rpc

Recently I worked on a site which is using wordpress as it’s cms and creloaded as it’s web shop. So the wordpress was top of the shopping cart and then the shopping cart as webshop. So basically I had to develop the site using wordpress and then had to install that creloaded inside woordpress installation.Continue reading “WordPress sidebars fetching on other cms with wordpress xml rpc”

how to make windows form application design looks like windows 7 – Enable Visual Styles

If you see any control visual looks is not just what it was looking on interface design mode (or windows style looks) like below 2 images Then It means you are skipping a method call from System.Windows.Forms Namespaces, that is EnableVisualStyles To Enables visual styles or operating system like controls color, fonts and other visual elementsContinue reading “how to make windows form application design looks like windows 7 – Enable Visual Styles”

Returning a value to parent form from sub or popup form with C Sharp .net

It is a common features you may need it several times when you are on the way of a professional C# application development. Suppose you have a Parent form which has a Textbox control and a Button control. Now you want to click on the button Control then it will open a Sub form orContinue reading “Returning a value to parent form from sub or popup form with C Sharp .net”