developing cakephp multilingual website (language management)

On my previous “developing cakephp multilingual website” article I as advising you to do a management for languages db table for site administrator, It seems a lot of readers do not understand what will be the management I am asking to write. Sorry for that, Now I am attaching a zip file to show whatContinue reading “developing cakephp multilingual website (language management)”

developing cakephp multilingual website

To develop any multilingual website (Translated database content only) using cakephp framework all basic steps are discussed below. If you want fully multilingual website with translated button text or label text then go forward with Internationalizing your application To manage multiple language translated content for any specific models specific field cakephp has a core behaviorContinue reading “developing cakephp multilingual website”

article title to url slug with cakephp

If you are using cakephp framework for your web application development. Sometimes you need to create SEO friendly url slug from your article / post / page / news etc title. If a article title is “Article title to url slug with cakephp” then your SEO friendly url slug supposed to be “article-title-to-url-slug-with-cakephp” To createContinue reading “article title to url slug with cakephp”