Running docker containerized App from Local Image

Recently I was in a problem with setting up an application to another machine, which was perfectly okay on my machine. It was a Laravel application using docker. So when I tried to run that app on other machine I was receiving connection refused from registry server because that app database image was hosted onContinue reading “Running docker containerized App from Local Image”

Install WordPress via WP-CLI

If you are a bash lover I wish you will find WP-CLI is the best approach to install WordPress for your project. WP-CLI provides a command-line interface for many actions you might perform in the WordPress admin where doing those same thing via WP-Admin will cost you some extra time. To install WP-CLI on yourContinue reading “Install WordPress via WP-CLI”

This is how I make my Development Environment Ready!

Each Time I start with a fresh Linux Ubuntu distro I faced a lot of software installation and configuration is repeating because you know we software engineers are preferred to use only those applications which is we are used to. That’s why to get my machine fully armed from a fresh start for web applicationContinue reading “This is how I make my Development Environment Ready!”